What is Deep Breathing Meditation: Everything You Need to Know

Nov 15, 2023 By Nancy Miller

Any time you feel overwhelmed, the deep breathing meditation will help you eliminate stress, provide instant relief, and let you feel better. You must only sit comfortably and breathe in and out for deep breathing meditation. You will keep on repeating until you don’t feel better.

Deep breathing meditation is all you need to know about if you are also looking for meditation to get rid of your stress. Let's discuss it in detail.

What is Deep Breathing?

Deep breathing is a 10-minute exercise that lowers blood pressure, relaxes muscles, and relieves stress. The deep breathing also improves circulation, immunity, digestion, and pain. It keeps your body in a correct posture and cleanses it by stimulating the lymphatic system.

Meditation is easy, and you can do it anywhere, but it is better to do it outside, closer to nature. As it offers you several other benefits; so, if you ever feel stressed or depressed, go for deep breathing meditation.

How to Meditate

The right way of deep breathing meditation is to breathe into your belly. Here, we will teach you some simple and quick steps that you can follow to feel better and relieve your stress:

  • The first step is to get comfortable. You can either lie on your bed or on the floor. It is better to keep a pillow under the head and knees. Alternatively, you can sit in a comfortable chair.
  • Now, breathe in through the nose. Your belly will be filled with air.
  • Now, hold your breath for a second or two
  • The next step is to breathe out through the mouth slowly
  • Repeat it several times until the rhythm calms down
  • Now, imagine this breathing filling your body with calmness and relaxation.
  • Imagine that you exhale your stress out of your body
  • Try this breathing meditation for 10 minutes or until you feel better and relaxed.

If you can't take 10 minutes for yourself, a few breaths can also work for you. You can practice a mini version of this exercise if you need more time. Just take a few deep breaths, and you are good to go.

Breath Focus

You will feel more relaxed if you keep a phrase or image in your mind while deep breathing. Here is how:

  • Close your eyes
  • Take deep breathes
  • Now, breathe in.
  • Breathe out and think it will take you all the stress out.
  • Now, you can use a word, phrase, or an image like 'Breathing calms me.'
  • Repeat this for at least 10 minutes.

When to Do Deep Breathing

If you want deep breathing to work for you, practice it daily. You must spare some minutes for your well-being. Now, which is the best time to practice this deep breathing exercise?

Starting your day with a breathing exercise is always a good idea. Doing it in the morning will make you feel active and stress-free all day. You can also do it in the noon with your kids.

Another suitable time for this exercise is before bed. You will have a comfortable and relaxing sleep throughout the night. Remember that whatever time you choose, it should be the same daily for maximum benefit.

Breathing Meditation Benefits

Deep breathing meditation has several benefits. It soothes your body and relieves your stress. It is indeed a very healthy exercise both for your body and mind. Let’s find out why you must practice this meditation daily:

Decreases Stress

When you are stressed, the brain releases cortisol, the stress hormone. The heart rate slows when you take deep breaths, and more oxygen enters the blood. The heart sends a message to your brain to relax. Not only this, but it also increases the endorphins level, which makes you feel good and happy.

Relives the Pain

Deep breathing meditation helps you with stress and relieves body pains. It is also because of the release of endorphins, as we stated above.

Stimulation of the Lymphatic System

The stimulation of the lymphatic system is very important to detoxify your body. Deep breathing cleanses your body and removes toxins. If you don't practice deep breathing exercises, your body will have to overwork.

Boosts up the Immunity

The nutrients are absorbed more efficiently when the blood is properly oxygenated, which improves your immunity. Also, you don't get sick more often when you have clean blood running in your body.

Regulates Heart Rate

When your muscles are relaxed, blood vessels dilate. It lowers the blood pressure and regulates your heart rate. The deep breathing meditation keeps your muscles relaxed to regulate the heart rate!

Improves Digestion

Deep breathing improves your blood flow and the working of your organs. It means the nutrients are absorbed better, and your digestion will be improved.

The Correct Posture

When doing a breathing exercise, you must sit in the correct posture. You straighten your spine and sit straight or lie down. It means deep breathing helps you improve your body posture.

Some Important Tips

Now you have learned all about deep breathing meditation how and when to do it. Here are some simple tips you should remember while doing this exercise to make it more effective for your body and soul.

  • Do it slowly and gently.
  • It is important to fill your abdomen with air while you breathe in.
  • It is better to place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest.
  • You can practice only a few deep breaths if you need more time.
  • It is important to sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
  • Keep a motivating phrase or word in your mind.
  • Make it a part of the routine. Do it daily at the same time.


Stress has a devastating effect on your health. Deep breathing meditation is a quick and easy way to relax your body and mind and wash away your worries. You must sit or lie comfortably, breathe in and out, and repeat. You can do it in the morning, at noon, or before bed, whatever time suits you the best. It improves digestion, heart rate, and body posture, cleanses your body, and soothes your pains.

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